How I Whiten My Teeth
Hey Everyone,
I know this blog post is so over due. As I said in my last post I really want to start looking after my hair, skin, teeth etc etc...
I did not have much luck on the hair situation as you all know, however I have been blessed with my teeth. I didn't always have straight white teeth. As a teenager I had train track braces for three years and once the braces came off that is when my hunt for the perfect teeth whitening product began. I tried a numerous amount of products some giving me the results I wanted after Three weeks of using the product but would fade within two days of not using it. Others would give me blinding white teeth but horrible sensitivity ( I couldn't even drink a glass of water without it hurting).After trying out so many I gave up for while. Eventually I went back to it because who doesn't want that hollywood smile. Then last year I found IWHITE !!!
Not Only does this whiten your teeth without any sensitivity as it does not contain hydrogen peroxide but it acts INSTANTLY! You no longer have to wait days or weeks to see these results. There are no syringes ,no lights, no heavy pastes and no mixing what so ever just one size fits all tray with pre-filled active gel inside it. All you got to do its place the tray on your teeth wait twenty minutes and then throw away once done. There you have it, instant results and your smile will only get brighter the more you use it. They also have a dark stains brand for those stubborn coffee and red wine stains.
It is so prefect I only ever need to use it every once and a while. Generally whenever I'm going on a night out/event. I just pop it in while I'm doing my makeup and throw it away as soon as I'm done and off I go. Easy Peasy!
Hope you all enjoyed this post and love this product as much as I do.
Keep Smiling
Jodi May x
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